Kent County Council is consulting on our draft Rights of Way Improvement Plan which outlines our objectives for Kent’s Public Rights of Way network and wider public access for the… read more →
The Local Government Boundary Commission has proposed to change the boundary wards within the district. This will mean that Dover DC would have 32 Councillors, 13 fewer than at present.… read more →
KCC CONTINUES TO PROTECT FRONTLINE SERVICES Kent County Council is approaching the start of another financial year facing an immense challenge in setting the council’s budget. In the coming financial… read more →
Consultation is due to launch on Wednesday 17 January 2018 and will run until Wednesday 28 March 2018. You can register your interest in the consultation by clicking on the… read more →
CPRE Kent will be attending a number of events over the summer to help raise their profile and hopefully pick up new members on the way. CPRE are looking for people to… read more →
In addition to the local work taking place in east Kent, NHS, social care and public health organisations from across the whole of Kent and Medway are working together to plan how… read more →