The library service will be opening from Monday 13 July 2020, but the service will be limited due to Covid 19 restrictions. The nearest Library open is Deal. To find information… read more →
Please click on this link for the latest information, following the government announcement yesterday.
Birth registrations will be taking place from 17 June 2020. Due to the coronavirus lockdown, there is a backlog of registrations that need to happen. As a result of this,… read more →
The new Government guidelines effective from Wednesday 13 May 2020 stated “people may drive to outdoor open space irrespective of distance, so long as they respect social distancing while they… read more →
Celebration Issue 4 VE day booklet -“ St Margaret’s in Lockdown” should be dropping on your doorstep this week. We collated an album & slideshow for prosperity and… read more →
When we contact you If the NHS test and trace service contacts you, the service will use text messages, email or phone. All texts or emails will ask you to… read more →
List of some local suppliers delivering to St Margaret’s. We have tried to keep them local, essential and infrequent – hence no take-aways. Note Village Shop now has an… read more →