The Parish Council has an annual budget available to make grant awards to local organisations in the community. The grant application form and further details can be downloaded here For… read more →
We are seeking additional parish councillors to join our ranks. We understand you may feel there isn’t much you can do, but just come along to a few of our… read more →
The Parish Council has an annual budget available to make grant awards to local organisations in the community. If you are interested could you please contact the Parish Clerk by… read more →
Links & Documents for Decembers mtg DOV/20/01193 T1 Holm Oak – fell. The tree is growing in a hedge separating two driveways. Both driveways appear to be showing signs… read more →
Dog Fouling The Parish Council have been considering asking DDC to place the King George Vth (cricket field) and Alexander field (football field) as a Public Space Protection Order –… read more →
DOV/20/01155 Change of use and conversion of an agricultural building to a wedding venue with single storey front/side extensions, canopy to front, cycle storage and associated parking (retrospective) Reach… read more →
The official Traffic Regulation Order is now being advertised (21st July 2020) on our lamp posts (note: it includes the Upper road double yellows too) The Parish Council have now… read more →
Your Parish Council have worked very hard to open the play equipment this morning – Monday 6th July. A link to the government guidelines that we need to adhere to… read more →
Would you like to be a Parish Councillor for St Margarets? There is a new council being formed in May. The current council has come to the end of it’s… read more →
Celebration Issue 4 VE day booklet -“ St Margaret’s in Lockdown” should be dropping on your doorstep this week. We collated an album & slideshow for prosperity and… read more →