When we contact you If the NHS test and trace service contacts you, the service will use text messages, email or phone. All texts or emails will ask you to… read more →
The definition of anti-social behaviour under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 is that it is ‘behaviour likely to cause alarm, harassment or distress to members of the public not… read more →
Matthew Scott, the Police and Crime Commissioner is asking this key question “How safe do you feel where you live”. In order to complete the annual policing survey please click… read more →
Message from Police. For those of you who bank with the Nat West Bank please be aware of the latest online banking scam in an attempt to obtain your banking… read more →
Message from the Community Warden. A theft from a motor vehicle has occurred in the Roman Way area of St Margaret’s at Cliffe, Dover between the times of 2030 hours… read more →
This message has been received from the Community Warden. “ A telephone call was received on a landline (late November 2017) from scammers advising that they were calling from a… read more →
We have received reports of doorstep criminals knocking on doors in Deal claiming to be Trading Standards Officers. The criminals claim to be carrying out surveys on behalf of Kent… read more →
“Kent Police are continuing to help protect the public and businesses against online crime. We have been and will continue to post messages across our social media channels around protecting… read more →