Channel crossing closures and Brexit

There was a conference call with Dover District Council Emergency Planning Officer on the 21 December 2020 regarding the current restrictions on channel crossings and arrangements for Brexit.

Our concerns over the Jubilee Way roundabout and Whitfield roundabout were highlighted. Assurances were provided that these areas would be policed to avoid problems for local traffic.

New regulations will come into effect from the 1 January 2021, that will allow the Police to stop HGV lorries using the A2. Traffic will be expected to use the A20/M20. If Manston is used for parking up lorries, then the last part of the journey will be via the A2.

From the 1 January 2021 the Parish Council will be able to report directly to the Emergency Planning Team on any issues. This could include difficulties with HGV Lorries parking inappropriately.

The concerns over traffic management following Brexit were also raised at the last Parish Council meeting with Councillor Richardson.