Christmas Lights Turn on
Updated 12th Dec
Christmas Light Turn-on
Wow! The Village Choir sang harmoniously (thanks Maria Fitzgerald and friends) and as they finished Santa could be seen and heard flying down Glebe Close in his sleigh pulled by the village tractor, accompanied by an elf and 2 beautiful reindeer (Owl House Stables) Thanks to the Cricket Club, Scouts, Peter Blake, Tony Fielding, Rob Mann, Brenda Paul, Anna Newton, Gill Crone, Lisa Brundle, Celia Cotton, Mick & Mel Luckhurst and Lizzie Chilvers who made sure this sleigh parked safely, poor old Santa wasn’t mobbed and the raffle went smoothly.
Santa kindly turned the lights on (politely late to allow for late comers) and then distributed gifts (courtesy of the Post Office) to all the village children. Food was served in the hall to all. VJ from the village shop and his many many friends provided mulled wine, Samosas, and rice. Whilst the First Light team under Wez’s guidance dished out the hot dogs. Who have I missed?
A wonderful community Get-together. 300 people perhaps? We have heard good feedback. VJ is the hero of the day, if we want him to do this in 2023 let’s all get behind him big time and support and perhaps some less senior marshals outside for example. Provisional date for 2023 is Sat 2nd Dec.
To top it all £1,250 was raised in the raffle and every single penny is being shared between 2 important charities. Martha Trust and The Ami Modi’s Shree Sava Foundation. *
Raffle Prize results

Event paid for by our local business – with a little help from the village hall and your Parish Council.
Raffle tickets available at Village Shop and First Light. Good causes – Good Prizes – 100% of your raffle monies go to the 2 good causes. let’s give something back
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