Claim footpath between carpark and ER31

We understand that the path  between the village carpark and the track parallel to Well Lane – the back way to the church –  has always been used by the Public. Both by pedestrians and by vehicles – for example the hearse would use this to bring the coffin to the church for funerals.  It is currently however not a registered Right of Way.  The current registered footpath ER31 does go around the church, through the grounds and could join this path.

The land is also not registered but it is believed to belong to the nearby church. The adjoining property Jessamine cottage must of course have right of access.

The Parish Council have been made aware that recently this passageway is regularly blocked with private belongings and not easily usable. We have therefore been asked to start the process to put this pathway on the definitive footpath map to protect its use for future generations.

For this to happen we need to prove to  Public Rights Of Way PROW that the path has been used for over 20 years, by the public and to do this we require evidence.

If YOU have used these paths freely in the past and wish to provide evidence please download and fill in this  User evidence statement.

It is not the easiest of forms, please read each question carefully and answer appropriately. One  individual does not need to have used the track for the full 20 years. The community as a whole must prove that the track was used over the whole time span.  Please read each question carefully and  answer  honestly.

Send the competed form to   or drop it in the letterbox at the village hall attention Parish Clerk.

An accompanying letter is optional.

This process is bureaucratic and time consuming. More background on how it works is here : Definitive-map-modification-order-form-and-notes  

Please contact the clerk if you require help to do this.