December Meeting

Links & Documents for Decembers mtg

DOV/20/01193          T1 Holm Oak – fell.

The tree is growing in a hedge separating two driveways. Both driveways appear to be showing signs of damage caused by the roots of the tree.

Green Banks, 75 The Droveway

 DOV/20/01243         Extension and raise roof height to existing front extension (to include rooflight, window and door), replace side elevation window with double doors, insertion of door and window to loft and erection of garden wall (original front door access to be removed).

Sea Purse, The Bay

 DOV/20/01316          Variation of Condition 2 (approved plans) to allow for revised wall to parking area and change to stair arrangement to comply with building regulations of planning

permission DOV/17/01137 (application under Section 73)

Larkspur, 36-38 The Droveway

 DOV/20/01290          Erection of first floor balcony with glass balustrade and Juliet balcony to second floor  to rear elevation

Dehra Dun, 16 The Droveway

 DOV/20/01350          Relocation of entrance door and window to front elevation

3 Swingate Cottages, Deal Road

DOV/20/01076          Erection of a detached dwelling, double garage and associated parking

Land North East Of The Close, Station Road,