Future of the Planning System
Message from Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC)
“The Housing, Communities and Local Government Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the future of the planning system in England. We submitted our response to the Planning White Paper ( KALC response) as evidence to the inquiry.
The Committee has also launched a short survey to accompany the inquiry to gather peoples experiences of the planning process and their thoughts on proposed reforms to it. The survey can be accessed via the link. The survey will close at 23:59 on Wednesday 11th November.
Respondents to the survey will be able to put themselves forward to participate in a virtual public engagement event that the Committee is planning to hold on Thursday 26th November at 16:00-17:15. This will allow the Committee to hear the experiences and views from a range of people across the country.
We recognise that the deadline is very short, but would encourage member councils to respond to the survey if they can and to also highlight the survey to their residents.”
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