New Request for Double yellows Dec 2022
Update 26 August 2023
Following careful consideration of community input, earlier this summer the parish council submitted a request to extend the existing double yellow lines around the junction of The Droveway and Sea Street, and further along Sea Street by Portal House and in the dip on Sea Street. This request excluded any extension of the double yellow lines along Reach Road and Kingsdown Road as per your expressed preferences. A formal public consultation is now being undertaken and will run from August 25th to September 18th. This consultation involves Amendment 108, a Waiting Restrictions Order, encompassing Bay Hill, The Droveway, and Sea Street in St. Margarets at Cliffe, Dover District. To participate, view the proposed Order on public display from August 25th until September 18th, 2023. Look for advertisements in the Kent Messenger and on-site public notices. KCC invite you to share your thoughts conveniently via their website at starting August 25th. Alternatively, you can write to The Senior Parking & Traffic Regulation Officer at Kroner House, Traffic Management Team, Highways & Transportation, Eurogate Business Park, Ashford, TN24 8UX, by 12 noon on September 18th, 2023.
Updated 27th June, taking into consideration all the 23 responses to the consultation and response from Highways 6th June 2023.
We will be requesting:
- Bay Hill junction – around First Light
- Sea Street – extending the current double yellows which allow cars to pass
- Sea Street opposite Portal House
Reach Road Junction – South of Royston GardensKingsdown Road
This will come at a cost of upwards of £5,000 to the Parish. There will be more cost and more delay if there are objections to the Traffic Regulation Order hence we have undertaken comprehensive consultation and taken on the points raised.
Our objective is to keep traffic flowing safely in St Margarets by correcting specific dangerous areas of concern to pedestrians and drivers, whilst recognising that our residents need to park somewhere and there is no point just moving the problem along – displaced cars need to park somewhere.
1 Bay Hill Junction
- Install a “formal bus stop” markings at the bus stop opposite the roundabout.
- To extend the existing double yellow lines out of Lighthouse Road going down Sea Street for 15 mtrs.
- To extend the existing double yellow lines on the other side of the Sea Street road by an additional 5m.
- To extend the existing double yellow lines in front of First Light by 5
2 Sea Street
To extend the existing double yellow lines by 18 mtrs northwards from the existing
3 Sea Street opposite Portal House
33 meters – Note there is already a sign here – Taken from Google maps – one sign not two!
The following 2 proposals will NOT be taken forward
4 Reach Road Junction – South of Royston Gardens
It was suggested to extend double yellow lines on Reach road from Royston Gardens by 20m,. The original draft was the full stretch to Reach close but this was rejected very quickly. The purpose of this was to improve visibility prior to the curve in the road. After consultation it was decided not to pursue this.
5 Kingsdown Road
It was suggested to extend the existing double yellow lines in Kingsdown Road by 20 mtrs. taking them to just opposite Chapel Lane. This could have provided for better and safer movement of vehicles turning through Chapel Lane into and out of Kingsdown Road. After feedback from the Bowls club it was decided not to progress this but maybe potentially look at disabled parking only signage along this stretch.
A group of concerned residents have set up a Gridlock group concerned about local traffic and their plan is here
The Highways Improvement Plan that we are preparing for Our meeting with Highways is HIP-23
IF you wish to see the maps in more details – they can be accessed from dropbox here
The Highways Improvement Plan with costs after our meeting with Highways is St Margaret’s HIP – Jan2022 Updated 01.02.23
Documents for meeting with Highways 27th June 2023
Outline designs: 1202 1201-TRO 1201 1203
and costs highwayscosts
Results of speed survey and Highways comments Oct 2022
20mph limit in village 1201-TRO me
Other points for discussion
- “Give way to on coming vehicles” priority signage on Sea Street outside Portal House school – Is this possible/advisable
- Single yellow line (time restricted) is this an option in residential areas?
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