Opportunity at the Bay
We have been approached by DDC regarding a potential opportunity at our Bay!
It is still just an idea, the Parish Council is receptive but wish to gather opinion.
“The basic plan copy shows 4 units with be one raised decking to the right of the toilets and to the left of the steps up the cliff’s as you look at them from the sea. I envisage the decking to be made of recycled material the accommodation would be similar to Camping pods which would be insulated with a view of these being used all year round. The Camping Pods would be targeted at couple’s, walkers of the coastal path, cyclists and small family’s wishing to enjoy the Bay. Underneath the decking I propose to have equipment such as sit on top kayak’s for use of the visitor’s while they stay in the bay. Although the plans show hot tub’s this is not something I am thinking of putting in. Inside they will bed’s, tables and chairs with a cosy feel.”
“As part of this project the toilets will be revamped with the addition of shower facilities for all visitor to the Bay. By adding the holiday accommodation I hope that this will add all year round business to the Pub and other local business’s and potentially local employment.”
DDC are keen on the idea because it would support the tourism agenda and a (relatively) local business. It gives a chance of improving the toilets and it would improve the visual amenity of the centre section of the car park. What do you think?
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