Public Rights Of Way PROW
These are the official footpaths registered on the definitive map by PROW
Click Here to view Reach Road/South Foreland Valley
Click Here to view Nelson Park/Kingsdown Road/East of Village
Click Here to view Bere Wood/Langton Bay
This link is also very useful – particularly if you are looking for something on the edges of the above map – or if you have an address or postcode. click here for link to Kent countryside map and you can log a fault or concern here too.
Help save our Footpaths before the 2026 deadline
“Our paths are one of our most precious assets. They connect us to our landscapes – ensuring we can explore our towns and cities on foot and enjoy walking in the countryside – and to our history and the people who formed them over the centuries.” If we lose our paths, a little bit of our past goes with them. This is our only opportunity to save thousands of miles of rights of way and time is running out. Some lost paths are still in use, while others have become overgrown, but all were omitted from the “definitive” maps of 140,000 miles of paths that councils were required to draw up in the 1950s.”
– Open Spaces Society
There may be footpaths, bridleways and carriageways that have been used for many years and now infrequently used or fallen into disuse. There are footpaths that have been forgotten when the register known as the “definite map” was set up. There is a deadline to correct these omissions. It is 2026. We need to start the registration process of all such paths now. Some have been in use for many years and just never been registered, some have been lost from the register and some have been created by use over more than the past 20 years and are entitled under the law to be registered. By registering them we save them for posterity, for the generations to follow us. As custodians of our village it is our duty. Whether we walk to commute, for leisure, to exercise our dogs, to ride our horses or our bicycles there is something for all in registering our paths of all types (Public footpaths, Public Bridleways, Restricted Byways, Byways Open to All Traffic) for us all. There may even be possible a change of type if the evidence supports that the way is used and of suitable width and it is desirable. We need your assistance to gather all available information and we need it now.
Here are copies of eight village walks you can enjoy. Any issues please let us the Parish know and/or log it directly on the link above
Some additional information/walks you may enjoy: