Budgeted expenses of Parish Council
Updated April 2024
Each year the Parish Council sets a carefully considered budget, paid for via the
Precept and met by residents through their Council Tax.
● The following is a list of financial obligations for the Council:-
- King George V Playing Field, Pavilion, Play Area (with play equipment) and
Tennis Courts – maintenance and improvement costs through the year
including water rates and cleaning. - Alexander Playing Field and Pavilion – maintenance, grass cutting and water
rates. - The Civic Cemetery – maintenance costs, grass cutting, Registrar fees and
water rates. - The Madge Field – grass cutting.
- South Foreland Valley – annual fee to White Cliffs Countryside Project
(through DDC) for management of the site, security costs, water rates for
cattle troughs, tree works and any additional maintenance (volunteers
undertake scrub clearance and the Council meets fuel costs and
refreshments). Also maintenance and insurance of Valley equipment. - The Council uses a maintenance contractor (currently Mr R Purchase) to
undertake maintenance through the village, including play equipment repairs,
verge cutting and from 2024 maintenance of the Civic Cemetery at Westcliffe. - Defibrillators x 5 – acquired and placed through the village. Ongoing
replacement batteries/pads etc. - CCTV – provided at village car park, King George V Field and village hall.
Any ongoing repairs / maintenance. - The Council owns and maintains 40 benches throughout the village.
- The Council also pays via DDC 100% of the costs involved in running the
public toilets in Reach Road car park – this followed the threat of closure a few
years ago. - Clerk as an employee receives an annual salary and the Council is obliged as
a legal employer to provide pension contributions. - Annually the Council arranges a Christmas event (village lights previously
purchased by the Council) in association with local businesses. Other
community events have been arranged in recent years. - The Council has other administration costs to meet, including insurance for
assets, hire of village hall. - The Council provides community grants to local sports clubs and