South Foreland Valley
To view news stories on South Foreland Valley
The South Foreland Valley is part of the designated “Heritage Coast” that stretches from Dover Harbour to Kingsdown near Deal. Most of the land is owned by St Margaret’s Parish Council and is accessible to the public, The whole area is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) for its chalk, flora and invertebrates.
In SSSIs certain activities are prohibited and there are legal duties concerning how the areas should be managed and protected.
- It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly damage, disturb or destroy land known to be an SSSI or intentionally or recklessly disturb the wildlife in an SSSI. It is also an offence to take down or obstruct an SSSI notice or sign.
- It is an offence to carry out an activity that may likely damage the SSSI without consent of the relevant conservation agency/landowner.
- The offences carry various penalties, including a fine of up to £20,000 in the Magistrates Court or an unlimited fine in the Crown Court for carrying out work without permission, or for causing damage to an SSSI
The Parish Council works hard to protect and maintain this SSSI of chalk grasslands, in close partnership with The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership and a group of volunteers.
On advice from the National Trust, the Parish Council decided to employ the services of Dover Security Services (DSS) to help protect the valley and dissuade people from break-in the rules, which are place to protect this SSSI.
In addition with the consent of National England further measures were taken to protect the site, such as digging trenches and putting in place short posts, to prevent vehicle ingression.
The Parish Council is asked from time to time why we don’t maintain all the roads in the Valley. To do so would be an enormous cost way beyond the realms of our precept. Furthermore it states very clearly in the Kent Highways Gazatteer, which gives the status of every road in Kent, that all the Valley Roads are “not maintainable at public expense”.
How can you help to protect and maintain this precious SSSI?
If you live in St Margaret’s Road and Lighthouse Road and become aware of large number of a large number of vehicles passing your property at night or you can hear music please telephone Dover Security Service 07428062944
If ramblers and dog walkers see people blatantly breaking the rules please telephone Dover Security Service 07428062944
South Foreland Valley; also contains nationally important World War II military structures and there is a walking tour around the site. Frontline Britain Trail
The Parish Council runs a volunteer group who meet on site twice a month to undertake practical work. There are lots of ways you can help either through practical work or recording species or just keeping an eye on the place. If you’ would like to help call the White Cliff Countryside Partnerships Office on 01304 241806.