Play Area Open

Your Parish Council have worked very hard to open the play equipment this morning – Monday 6th July.  A link to the government guidelines that we need to adhere to are here  – They did not make our life easy. The Slides and Tunnels are currently closed for example, but we will open them as soon as we safely can. Most equipment is open.

It is all about social distancing and hand washing – Please provide and use your own wipes and gel and ensure you are keeping your distance from other others   

It would be a great shame if we had to close again. Please respect what we are trying to achieve for the benefit of all our villagers – particularly the younger ones

Our current Covid-Guidelines are here:  These will change as more advice is issued.



















alongside the general Guidance:



















We are one of the first play areas to open in the vicinity, let’s work together to ensure it can stay open.




Click here to download PDF file of all 13 playground posters