Reach Court Farm Licensing

28th Oct updated 7th Nov 2022

The Parish council are not an official  consultee on this application.  However, we became aware of this  licensing application regarding the wedding venue at Reach Court Farm as it is causing some controversy in the village. Two of your Parish Councillors went to the Whitfield offices to investigate. One of whom lives on Lighthouse road.

In the original planning permission  that enables Reach Court Farm to be used as a wedding venue (20/01155) there is a condition (no. 4) that limits the number of events to 35 events per year.  The current license states 28.

The new licensing application aligns planning to licensing at 35.

We were assured today  that it would not be possible for the number of events to increase as the applicant (rather than Licensing)  would be bound by the planning restrictions.   The planning condition is solid. The limit will be 35 (and not 61 as some literature is suggesting)

There are also rumours that the noise and outside music will increase by granting of the new license. This is wrong. We were assured that the Noise Management Plan 26th January 2021 still stands. This includes a sound limiting device and any outside music will be for for short periods only and  before 20:00. And no fireworks!

click here for NOISE_MANAGEMENT_PLAN-2138904

click here for planning permission notification

We believe some of the misunderstanding comes from the applicants request to remove the requirement to take noise readings 1m from the nearest dwellings. On reflection, this requirement is not practical or feasible. The prefered mechanism to ensure noise levels are controlled, is the sound limiting device and that is required. This is not only more accurate, it is always running and will ensure power to the music system is cut off immediately if the volume is above the allowed threshold.

If there are issues with excessive noise during any of these events, the advice is to complain on each occasion. DDC need to be made aware so that they can take appropriate remedial action.