Sea Street Closure

Sea Street Road Closure – 16th-17th September.

Updated 16th September 1100am

We have just spoken to the men on the ground and confirm that traffic will be ‘waved’ through as needed. They are aware Sea Street is the only access road to the Bay area.

Recommend allowing a few extra minutes just in case you need to wait for oncoming traffic or whilst they are making it safe.

Updated 16th September 0920am

Further to concerns raised by residents this morning. We have contacted Highways again to ask them to ensure those working on site allow access when safe to do so. Highways are aware this is the only way in and out.

We are aware that some residents received notification of Sea Street closure being for 2 days and not the 1 day originally planned. We have followed up with Highways this morning and received the below response.

Sea Street will be closed for 2 days BUT only between the hours of 9:30 and 14:30. Outside of these times, the road will be open . During the closure, access will be permitted, only when safe to do so with direction from the BT team.
You may have to wait 10 or 20 minutes if you are unlucky!
Please note the sign is saying 15:30 we have been told 14:30 – School pickup and drop off should be OK
Response from Highways…..
“in short the closure will be 2 days but solely between 09:30-14:30 only, road will be opened outside of these times. I completely understand the worry around any closure along this Street within your Parish due to the fact there are no diversions we can advertise meaning we are relying on BT maintaining the access when and where safe to do so.
The original closure was advertised for this one day 09:30-14:30 as received. I was soon after notified of a separate BT closure request for this same Street but for a separate set of dates. To avoid the need for multiple closures I recommended they collaborate with themselves (potentially different departments within BT, one for overground services such as the telegraph poles and the other for underground networks) keeping within the 09:30-14:30 timings but they did require a potentially second day of this to complete their works.
To confirm the planned closure for Sea Street from Monday 16th – Tuesday 17th September will solely be between the hours of 09:30-14:30.”
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