Clubs, Societies and Organisations
If you would like to add/amend details of St Margaret’s Clubs, Societies and organisations please email the parish clerk
Scouts, Brownies and Beavers
Beaver Scouts ages 6 to 8
Meet Friday 18.00-19.15
Cub Scouts ages 8 to 10
Meet Wednesday 18.30 to 20.00
John Glentworth Tel: 01304 852 429
Explorer Scouts ages 14 to 18
Meet Thursday 19.30 to 21.00
Guiding Brownies ages 7 to 10
Meet Monday 17.30-19.00 term time only
Ages 10+
Meet Monday 18.30-20.00
St Margaret’s Bowls Club
Diane Wilson 01304852455
St Margaret’s Cosmopolitan Cricket Club
Football Club
Mr. J Barlow Hon Secretary 01304 365529
St Margaret’s Tennis Club
Clubs and Societies
Folkestone, Dover, Deal Rock and Roll Club
The Club was founded in 1992 and we dance at St Margaret’s Hall on pretty much every Wednesday evening throughout the year.
Anyone can come. Our youngest dancers are in their teens and, well, we just don’t ask how old some are. Let’s just say they’re “over 21”
Singles are just as welcome as couples and you’ll always find a partner. It’s a great way to make new friends and enjoy real Rock & Roll music. If you’ve never danced before, come to the beginner’s lesson on Wednesday’s at 7.30 with Andy our resident DJ
If Live Music is your thing, send us your email and we’ll let you know when we have a Band, or look out for our flyers in the Hall Foyer and at other gigs.
Times & prices:
Wednesday 7.30pm – 8ish lesson then dancing till 11pm with our fab DJ’s £5
Saturday band nights 7.30 – midnight £10
Andrew Stevenson 07979 685517
Pete & Anne Richards 07810517662
Facebook: Dover Rock n Roll Club group
Friends of St Margaret’s Church
Good Companions Social Group
Contact Maureen Bisset 01304 852887
St Margaret’s History Society
Meets St Margaret’s Village Hall every third Tuesday at 19.30.
Annual subscription £14.00
Luncheon Club
12.30pm Wednesdays in term time, St Margaret’s Village Hall.
Capt. G W Sutcliffe Organiser 01304 852272
Poppy Appeal Organiser St Margaret’s and District
Mrs. Christine Walton 01304 242354
Rotary Club of South Foreland
Meets every Wednesday at the Marina Hotel on Dover Seafront.
Contact David Gilchrist 01304 851805
Royal British Legion Men’s Section
Branch Meetings 4th Tuesday, except January and August and December, normally 14.00 at St Margaret’s Bowls Club in Kingsdown Road.
Royal British Legion Women’s Section
Our branch was formed in 1934 and we currently have over 50 members. The Woman’s Section of the British Legion provides care and support for the serving and ex-service community by fundraising for the Legion’s Benevolent Schemes and the annual Poppy appeal. We have regular speakers at our monthly meetings and also have lunches, outings and fun! We meet on the first Tuesday of the month (except January and August) at 2pm in the Channel Room. We also organize two annual fundraising coffee mornings and a special annual fundraising event. Annual Membership fee is £14 New members are always welcome and do not have to have any connection with HM Forces past or present. Contact the Secretary, Mrs Pam Sheward, if you would like to know more.
Mrs. Pam Sheward Hon Secretary 01304 852571
St Margaret’s and District Gardeners’ Association
St Margaret’s and District Gardeners’ Association (SMADGA), founded in 1912, is a friendly, sociable village organisation open to everyone, whether you’re an active gardener or not. We organise traditional competitive horticultural shows twice a year (spring and summer), with classes for arts and crafts and home produce, as well as flowers, plants, fruit and vegetables. We have a thriving Green Buddies section and particularly encourage entries from children and young adults. We also arrange a series of talks in the autumn and winter, an annual summer garden visit and a Christmas dinner.
Email for more information or follow our Facebook page (St Margaret’s & District Gardeners’ Association)
St Margaret’s Players
St Margaret’s Toddler and Baby Group
Meets every Tuesday in the main hall (excluding school summer holidays) 9.30am – 11.30am. All ages welcome.
St Margaret’s Women’s Institute
2nd Tuesday of each month (except August) 19.15 St Margaret’s Village Hall.
Trish Evans Hon Secretary 01304851962
The Compassionate Friends
The Mission to Seafarers
G.W Sutcliffe Hon Secretary 01304 852272