Parish Council Maintenance Contract – applicants welcome
Our current Contractor, who has successfully carried out these works for a number of years, wishes to retire.
The Parish Council therefore invites interested parties (preferably local) to apply to Jane Cook 01304 892535 (answering machine) for the Tender Documentation in order to provide a Lump Sum Price.
The Documentation will include a Schedule of Works and Conditions (copy below) together with a Village Plan to help identify the Works.
Interested Parties should advise Jane as soon as possible with a view to arranging a meeting for a short discussion, provide a C.V. and two references and to collect the documentation. She is in the village hall office 0900-1100 Monday and 1300-1500 Thursday.
The proposal is that ideally the successful Bidder should commence the works on the 1st April 2020, if possible (although this is flexible due to the time scale) for a Contract Period of ONE YEAR with an option available to extend the Agreement for a further year, or longer, at the discretion of the Parish Council and to suit both Parties.
St Margarets P.C. Grounds Maintenance Schedule of Works and conditions
St Margaret’s Bench Schedule 2020
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